Burlington, Colorado Weather by Month

Burlington, Colorado, is a small city located in the eastern part of the state, near the Kansas border. As the county seat of Kit Carson County, Burlington is an essential hub in this primarily agricultural region. The city covers an area of approximately 2.1 square miles and has a population of around 4,200 residents, according to the latest census data.

Burlington is part of the United States and is known for its strong agricultural economy, with significant production of corn, wheat, and other crops. The city also has a rich historical heritage, showcased by landmarks such as the Old Town Museum, which offers a glimpse into the life of pioneers and early settlers in the area. Another notable landmark is the Kit Carson County Carousel, a fully restored antique carousel that attracts visitors from across the state.

For education, Burlington is served by the Burlington School District, providing comprehensive educational services from kindergarten through high school. Although there are no major universities within the city, Burlington’s residents often attend institutions in nearby larger cities such as Denver.

Climate and Weather Overview

Burlington experiences a semi-arid climate, characterized by hot summers and cold winters. The climate is influenced by its location on the High Plains, leading to significant temperature variations throughout the year.

Average Monthly Climate Data

Month Average Temperature (°F) Average Precipitation (inches) Average Sunny Days
January 31 0.4 23
February 35 0.4 24
March 42 0.8 24
April 52 1.3 24
May 61 2.3 26
June 72 2.4 27
July 77 2.4 28
August 75 2.0 27
September 66 1.3 26
October 54 1.1 26
November 40 0.6 23
December 32 0.5 23


January in Burlington is characterized by cold temperatures, averaging around 31°F. The city receives about 0.4 inches of precipitation, mostly in the form of snow. With about 23 sunny days, the weather is predominantly cold but often clear.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Severe winter storms can occasionally lead to travel disruptions and hazardous conditions. However, Burlington typically enjoys clear skies during the day. Recommended activities include indoor events at the Old Town Museum, ice fishing, and enjoying the winter landscapes through snowshoeing or cross-country skiing.


February remains cold, with average temperatures around 35°F. Precipitation remains low at 0.4 inches, and sunny days increase to 24. The weather continues to be predominantly cold and dry.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Winter storms can still occur, leading to potential icy conditions. Indoor activities such as visiting local museums, attending community events, and participating in winter sports like ice skating are popular.


March sees a gradual warming trend, with average temperatures rising to 42°F. Precipitation increases to 0.8 inches, and sunny days remain steady at 24. Early signs of spring begin to appear.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Flooding from snowmelt is generally minimal. Outdoor activities such as early season hiking, bird watching, and attending spring festivals become more appealing. The annual St. Patrick’s Day parade is a highlight event.


April brings further warming, with average temperatures reaching 52°F. Precipitation rises to 1.3 inches, and sunny days remain steady at 24. Spring is in full swing, and the landscape becomes greener.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Springtime thunderstorms can sometimes be severe. Outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and visiting local parks are popular. The Burlington Spring Festival, featuring arts, crafts, and food, is a significant event in April.


May is characterized by warmer temperatures, averaging 61°F. Precipitation increases to 2.3 inches, and sunny days rise to 26. The weather is generally pleasant, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes can occur in May. Outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, and fishing are highly recommended. The annual Burlington Car Show, celebrating vintage and classic cars, is a notable event.


June brings summer warmth, with average temperatures around 72°F. Precipitation peaks at 2.4 inches, and there are about 27 sunny days. The weather is typically warm and wet.

Natural Disasters and Activities

The risk of severe thunderstorms remains. Outdoor activities such as boating, hiking, and attending farmers’ markets are enjoyable. The pleasant weather is perfect for outdoor sports and recreational activities.


July is the hottest month, with average temperatures reaching 77°F. Precipitation remains steady at 2.4 inches, and there are around 28 sunny days. The weather is hot and humid, ideal for summer activities.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Thunderstorms can occur, requiring caution. Outdoor activities such as swimming, boating, and attending the Fourth of July celebrations are popular. The Kit Carson County Fair and Rodeo is a key event, featuring parades, music, and community gatherings.


August remains hot, with average temperatures around 75°F. Precipitation decreases slightly to 2.0 inches, and there are about 27 sunny days. The weather continues to be hot and humid.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Thunderstorm risk persists, necessitating awareness of weather conditions. Outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and visiting local farms are enjoyable. The annual Burlington Arts Festival attracts many visitors with local art and crafts.


September sees cooling temperatures, averaging 66°F. Precipitation decreases to 1.3 inches, and sunny days decrease to 26. The weather remains pleasant but starts transitioning to fall.

Natural Disasters and Activities

The risk of thunderstorms decreases, but occasional storms can still occur. Recommended activities include hiking, apple picking, and attending the Harvest Festival. The cooler weather makes outdoor sports and recreational activities more comfortable.


October brings cooler temperatures, averaging 54°F. Precipitation remains steady at 1.1 inches, and there are about 26 sunny days. Fall foliage becomes prominent, creating beautiful landscapes.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Flooding is rare, and the risk of severe weather is low. Outdoor activities such as hiking, visiting pumpkin patches, and attending Halloween events are popular. The fall colors make it a great time for photography and scenic drives.


November is colder, with average temperatures around 40°F. Precipitation decreases to 0.6 inches, and sunny days decrease to 23. The weather becomes more winter-like, with occasional frosty mornings.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Early winter storms can occur, leading to potential travel disruptions. Recommended activities include indoor events, holiday shopping, and preparing for the winter season. The annual Thanksgiving parade and community gatherings are highlights of the month.


December is cold, with average temperatures around 32°F. Precipitation increases slightly to 0.5 inches, mostly as snow. Sunny days are few, with only about 23 on average.

Natural Disasters and Activities

Heavy snowfall can lead to travel challenges, but severe disasters are rare. Activities such as ice skating, holiday markets, and visiting local indoor attractions are popular. The Christmas tree lighting ceremony and festive events are key highlights.

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